jueves, mayo 22, 2008

[AP] Urban Screens Melbourne 08

Urban Screens Melbourne 08

Urban Screens envia la convocatoria para la exposicion en AUSTRALIA. Interesante puesta en escena en especial sobre las lecturas de las nuevas tecnologias y las formas de configurar una lectura de espacio publico.

Urban Screens Melbourne 08 is currently looking for researches to present posters on the latest development in the interdisciplinary field of Urban Screens. The poster presentations will be integrated in the overall Urban Screens Melbourne 08 event structure. You will be able to showcase your project to a public audience and professionals and stakeholders with distinctive interests in media and public space, in attendance at our conference “USM08 -Mobile Publics”.

The poster presentations provide a forum for authors to present their work in an informal and interactive setting. To bridge the Conference and the Multimedia Exhibition we are looking for proposals for posters and experimental presentations in public space. All accepted posters will be displayed in an exhibition in the public Atrium precinct, next to the conference hall, viewable for all conference attendees and the general public. The conference audience will be gathering around the A1 posters during the poster session to engage with the author.

Urban Screens 08 posters are ideal for presenting speculative, late-breaking results of ongoing research projects; for drawing important conclusions from practical experiments; for giving an introduction to innovative works or new practical design applications, and reporting on cutting edge technologies and content management systems currently in development.

Jose Llano
Arquitecto Independiente
Arquitectura de Archivo & Diseñador de Delitos

editor aparienciapublica
AMERICA has a rest, where you want to be

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